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See below for the latest news, press releases and blogs from colleagues and partners at IVCC.

If you have a new story you would like to share with IVCC, please contact Christopher Larkin.

Image of Christopher Larkin
Christopher Larkin


Tech Update

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Revolutionizing malaria prevention at UNGA 2024

IVCC partner research facility achieves GLP Certification

IVCC receives new grant funding to support the development of innovative vector control tools for malaria

IVCC signs agreement with V.K.A. Polymers to explore use of repurposed chemistries on insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) for malaria

Spring 2024 Tech Update

Download the Tech Updates highlighting vector biology and control news, publications and resources.

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IVCC at the third Global Health Security Conference

IVCC visit to Ifakara Health Institute's Bagamoyo facility to celebrate USAID funding

IVCC celebrates "Accelerate to Eliminate Malaria Program" with collaborative visit to CSRS

Commonwealth leaders and malaria community come together

IVCC at the MIM Society Conference

IVCC at the 19th Vector Control Working Group Meeting

A case for Product Development Partnerships

Scientists are united to end malaria in our lifetimes

New Nets Prevent 13 Million Malaria Cases in Sub-Saharan Africa

Work experience guest blog: Sephora Koudou

IVCC receives grant funding from Australian Government

Vector control delivers global impact to reach the SDGs

VERV stakeholder event in Washington DC

Mining against malaria

Call for External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC)

Tech Update January 2024

Download the Tech Updates highlighting vector biology and control news, publications and resources.

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Incentivising innovation in vector control

VERV Regulatory Guidance published

Labour Party MPs and Malaria No More UK visit IVCC

IVCC's Annual Report 2022-2023

IVCC IHI Data Analysis Workshop at the IHI

World Malaria Report 2023

Tech Update Autumn 2023

Download the Tech Updates highlighting vector biology and control news, publications and resources.

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IVCC supports addressing global health issues

New experts in entomology and in epidemiology join ESAC

IVCC hosts 2023 Stakeholder Forum

IVCC at the ASTMH 2023 Annual Meeting

IVCC supports GLP for field trial sites in Africa

IVCC at PAMCA 2023

Tech Update Summer 2023

Download the Tech Updates highlighting vector biology and control news, publications and resources.

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ESAC looking for experts in entomology and epidemiology

IVCC strengthens capacity for research at CSRS

IVCC attends UK parliament to mark World Malaria Day

New members join IVCC's ESAC

Tech Update Spring 2023

World Malaria Day 2023

New entomological facility opened by PNGIMR

Policy recommendation for new type of ITN

VECTRON™ T500 achieves WHO prequalification

IVCC to attend 18th Annual Meeting of the VCWG

How to make the most of VERV

Tech Update Winter 2023

Growing evidence base for WHO policy recommendation

IVCC marks the passing of Colin Ruscoe

New incentive for vector control product innovation

IVCC attends launch of the WHO's World Malaria Report

IVCC appoints Justin McBeath as new CEO

IVCC appoints new Chair

IVCC's Annual Report 2021-2022

World Malaria Report 2022

Call for External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC)

IVCC at the ASTMH 2022 Annual Meeting – Seattle

IVCC supports scientists fighting against malaria

Tech Update Autumn 2022

Implementing IRM by rotating IRS products

By Graham Small & Janneke Snetselaar

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8th PAMCA Annual Conference and Exhibition

Remembering Queen Elizabeth II

Interceptor® G2 (IG2) effective at preventing malaria

ATSB®- a potential new outdoor biting intervention tool

MMV and IVCC launch the Global Health Priority Box 

All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) visit IVCC

Kigali Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases Summit

Chief Executive Officer Nick Hamon announces retirement

Tech Update Summer 2022

Empowering women in Malaria programmes

Bite prevention tools protection

Bite prevention tools significantly protect against landing in Cambodia field trial

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Mitsui’s VECTRON™ T500 under assessment by WHO-PQT/VCP

The Lancet - Dual active ingredient bed net trial

Tech Update Winter 2022

Large Scale Epidemiological studies begin for ATSB®

Promising new tools against malaria

IVCC's Annual report 2021

IVCC's Annual report 2021

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Tech Update Autumn 2021

IRS Community Trial begins in Papua New Guinea

Last week, indoor residual spraying (IRS) began in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

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IVCC supports Malaria No More UK report

VIDEO: Vector Expedited Review Voucher (VERV)

IVCC welcomes RTS,S malaria vaccine announcement

Tech Update Summer 2021

World Mosquito Day 2021 - 20th August 2021

Agtech360 - podcast interview with IVCC CEO Nick Hamon

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Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) Trials Facility Granted

IVCC has the pleasure of announcing that Ifakara Health Institute has been granted GLP...

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Forest Packs Could Have Public Health Impact

Recent semi-field results from Project BITE show that forest packs containing bite prevention tools...

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Lethal House Lures for Malaria Control

The potential contribution of house-based interventions to malaria control and elimination...

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Tech Update May 2021

Accelerating Global Health R&D Report

Acceleration of LLIN Formulation Development

Avient and IVCC are creating a new masterbatch production laboratory to support R&D for LLINs...

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Personal Experiences with Malaria

Throughout the years, my experience of malaria has evolved, from personal to professional and a mix...

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New Routes to Market

In collaboration with private companies and NMCPs, IVCC is working on New Routes to Market...

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Tech Update January 2021

IVCC’s Annual Report 2019-2020 Available Now

Future David Beckham Announced the End of Malaria

New short film features David Beckham speaking from the future...

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World Malaria Report 2020

The World Malaria Report provides a comprehensive update on global and regional malaria data and trends.

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Tech Update November 2020

Surface Type in IRS

During my MSc I developed an interest in vector control and carried out my research project with IVCC...

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Modelling Research Fellow Links Up with IVCC

IVCC, in partnership with Imperial College, London, is delighted to welcome Dr Ellie Sherrard-Smith...

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Vector Control MOOC Launched

LSHTM and its ARCTEC team, IVCC and LSTM are launching a brand new MOOC on vector control...

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LITE Has a New Website

LITE has launched a new website. LITE was established by LSTM and funded by IVCC.

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World Mosquito Day 2020

Today is World Mosquito Day, an event that has been going since 1897 when Sir Ronald Ross declared...

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Indo-Pacific Initiative: Delivering through Partnership

On Friday 21st August, APLMA will hold the second of its Malaria Gamechangers roundtable series...

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IVCC's Ambassador Pack

IVCC has developed its new ‘Ambassador Pack’ which is now available digitally or in hard copy version.

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Ensuring Mosquito Net Distribution Could Halve Malaria

LLIN distribution could help halve the number of deaths from Malaria during...

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Tech Update August 2020

Lessons from a Tanzanian Insecticide Testing Facility

Identifying the enablers and barriers in the capacity to achieve GLP...

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Volcanic Glass Spray Shows Promise

IVCC supports a study, by NCSU, testing indoor residual sprays.

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Tech Update April 2020

NgenIRS Evidence Launch

Evidence material published - The NgenIRS programme resulted...

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Gene Drive - Geek Out!

The subject for this blog is one of my favourites: Gene Drive! Based on a pre-print with great insights...

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Accelerating Innovations

Breakthroughs in disease control have come with leaps in understanding and new methods of control.

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COVID-19, Malaria and IVCC

As the world grapples with COVID-19, there is a renewed awareness of the effects of infectious diseases...

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Tech Update January 2020

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2 Billion Mosquito Nets Delivered

Global malaria community scale up and distribution of insecticide-treated nets saves and protects millions

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IVCC's Annual Report 2018-2019 Available Now

The IVCC Annual Report 2018-2019 has been published.

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IVCC Launches Landscape Studies for Indo-Pacific Region

IVCC has published three landscape studies as part of $18.75M grant.

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Tech Update October 2019

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IVCC Supports Innovative Mosquito Net Initiative

IVCC plays its part in a major milestone which will accelerate...

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IVCC Supporting PAMCA

IVCC had a strong presence at this years’ Pan African Mosquito...

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IVCC Hosts 2019 Stakeholder Conference

Under the conference theme, ‘Partnering for Impact’, IVCC

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MMH and the Fight Against Malaria

The Mulanje Mission Hospital (MMH) works closely...

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IRS, Expanding the Evidence Base

IRS with organophosphate, in addition...

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Progress Towards Malaria Elimination Goals

Say Tchau Tchau to Malaria in the Southern African Region

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NgenIRS at VCWG 2019

The RBM Vector Control Working Group...

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IVCC Supports Good Laboratory Practice

Tech Update January 2019

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IVCC Welcomes Bayer’s New IRS Solution

IVCC has welcomed the WHO Pre-Qualification...

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Analysis on New IRS Product SumiShield® 50WG in Ghana

NgenIRS partners with Ghana’s AGAMal programme...

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NgenIRS at ASTMH, 2018

The 67th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical...

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IVCC to Lead $66M Initiative

IVCC to lead a consortium of partners on a ground-breaking...

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Tech Update September 2018

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Ghana is Spraying Prisons

All prisons in Ghana targeted for IRS spraying

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Working with Partners to Expand the Evidence Base

In the last two years, NgenIRS has been...

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MIM Conference, April 2018

Mozambique Randomized Control Trial

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Reality of Rotation of Insecticdes

Rotation of 3GIRS insecticides in full swing.

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Fighting Insecticide Resistance in Ghana

Ghana shares their story using SumiShield® 50WG

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Tech Update May 2018

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IVCC Secures a $18.75M Grant

IVCC secures a $18.75m grant to help eradicate malaria and...

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Agriculture Industry Unites to Help Eradicate Malaria

In coming together...

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Tech Update March 2018

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A New Insecticide to be Used to Fight Malaria

Unitaid, IVCC & Japan’s SCC are excited to announce the use...

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IVCC Secures Partnership Role with Abt Associates

IVCC is pleased to announce...

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Tech Update November 2017

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Sumitomo Chemical & IVCC Deliver Brand New IRS

Sumitomo Chemical & IVCC...

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Mosquitos - A Personal Perspective

Dr Graham Small shares his perspective on Mosquitos...

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What Next for Zika?

A Public Health Emergency of International Concern?

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Tech Update Sept 2017

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Tech Update August 2017

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Innovation that Could Help Save Lives

A proposal for a new mechanism to stimulate public...

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Tech Update July 2017

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Interceptor® G2 and Insecticide Resistance

Although I have never lived in Africa, I’ve travelled there...

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IVCC Announces Game-Changing Mosquito Net

IVCC announce a new LLIN has received a recommendation...

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Tech Update June 2017

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IVCC Supports World Pest Day

IVCC is delighted to support the inaugural “World Pest Day”...

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Thanks to Heroic Scientists Working to Beat Malaria

IVCC would be nothing...

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IVCC Delivers Good Laboratory Practice to Africa

IVCC has helped...

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Working in Partnership with Syngenta

IVCC this week attended Syngenta’s 2017 Good Growth...

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WHO World Malaria Report 2016 Highlights Vector Control

Despite growing mosquito...

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Secretary of State Announces £25M Fund for IVCC

IVCC is to receive new funding...

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Mosquito Resistance a Growing Concern, says WHO

Mosquito resistance to...

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Still Time to Battle Insecticide Resistance

'We must take advantage of the time we now...

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Novel Mosquito Net Marks Breakthrough in New LLINs

A novel mosquito net...

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Science Magazine Highlights IVCC Challenge

Science Magazine features...

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Major Grant Awarded to IVCC

IVCC announce that it has received its 3rd & largest grant...

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Don't Take Our Word for It—Vector Control Saves Lives

Malaria rates halved in...

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The Menace of Zika

Zika virus is the latest vector borne disease to hit the...

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$65M Boost for New Insecticide Use in Africa

A new $65 million initiative to...

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£1B Ross Fund Will Boost the Fight Against Malaria

Malaria R&D will be boosted by...

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Scientistsare the Unsung Heroes of Our Age

Millions of lives will continue to...

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Mosquito Nets Increase Agricultural Productivity

Mosquito nets have saved millions of lives since they ha...

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LLINs - Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets

Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) have a substantial...

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African Scientists are the Key to African Challenges

Is it time to recognise that...

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World Mosquito Day Announcement from Sumitomo & IVCC

Sumitomo Chemical & IVCC...

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All Mosquitoes are Not Equal

Possibly the most important malaria-transmitting mosquito...

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Just Around the Corner May Be In Sight

As I discovered recently, while visiting Forde Abbey, a 12th...

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How Close Are We to Eradicating Malaria?

The scientific community is divided on...

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Why the Words We Use Matters

Why the words we use and the way we...

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Regulation Must Protect but Not Stifle Innovation

Pesticide regulation.

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Malaria Insecticide Entering Early Development Phase

IVCC joined Syngenta Crop...

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Accelerating Development of New Insecticides

Even though we know how...

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Developing Local Vector Control Expertise in Africa

I spent the day with the...

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New Anti-Malarial Insecticides for Bednets

Reports in Time magazine today (Jan 13, 2015)...

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Princess Royal Opens New IVCC Offices

IVCC will shortly be moving to new offices within the...

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ESAC Chairman Elected to National Academy of Sciences

He was chosen in recognition...

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Eradicating Malaria Makes Good Business Sense

Creating healthy & prosperous...

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Parliament Urges Continued Commitment to Fight Malaria

Parliamentary report urges...

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Lois Rossi Joins IVCC in Regulatory Strategy Role

IVCC is pleased to welcome Lois Rossi to its team.

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At the Service of a Great Cause: Eradicating Malaria

After half a working lifetime in...

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World's Shortest Job Description: Eradicate Malaria

A personal view of the...

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Lady Lever Art Provides Backdrop for Stakeholder Event

Lady Lever Art Gallery in Port...

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'It's Up To Us To Deliver': Vector Control Challenge

A personal view of the...

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New Vector Control Products 'Critical'

IVCC’s mission to bring new effective products to...

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No Single Solution to Eradication of Malaria: Dr Magill

The current control paradigm...

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Enthusiasm and Commitment The Common Link

Over the past few years it's...

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It's Not Just Data

There's a lot of work goes into a good experimental hut trial...

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Preserving the Impact

One of the keys to IVCC's success over the past few years has been the bringing...

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IVCC Scientists in the UK Top 100

A list published by the Science Council last week reveals...

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WHO Recommends Syngenta's New Long-Lasting Insecticide

Syngenta and IVCC...

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Royal Society Pfizer Award for IVCC Partner

A long-time collaborator of IVCC and LSTM has been...

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Bayer CropScience & IVCC Offer New Malaria Tool

Bayer CropScience and IVCC...

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Listening and Learning at MIM 2013

IVCC’s stakeholder event in 2013 took place at MIM...

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UKAID Support New Anti-Malaria Insecticide Development

IVCC receives £12 million...

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IVCC Appoints Nick Hamon as CEO

The IVCC Board of Trustees has appointed a new CEO, Dr...

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