8th PAMCA Annual Conference and Exhibition – Rwanda 2022

IVCC is delighted to take part in the upcoming Annual Conference of the Pan African Mosquito Association (PAMCA) in Kigali, Rwanda from the 26th to 28th September. With a focus on harnessing local institutional & community support for the elimination of vector-borne diseases (VBDs), this year’s conference will be thought-provoking and stimulating.
To find out about the work of IVCC, it’s partnerships and its pipeline of innovative vector control solutions, visit the IVCC booth throughout the conference.
IVCC will also contribute to several Parallel Symposiums, Parallel Scientific Sessions, and Turbo Talks, presenting updates about specific projects and initiatives. IVCC project partners will showcase the latest developments in three large epidemiological studies for Attractive Targeted Sugar Baits (ATSB ®) at the Monday 26th (15:30-17:00*) turbo talks and at the Parallel Symposium 6: Presenting the ATSB® (Attractive Targeted Sugar Bait); a novel outdoor intervention (Wednesday 28th, 14:00 to 15:30).
Indoor residual spraying (IRS) is another important topic at PAMCA 2022. IVCC team members Graham Small and Janneke Snetselaar will present results on the bioefficacy of VECTRON™ T500 in laboratory, experimental hut and community trials during Parallel Symposium 3: Supporting improved insect resistance management strategies – a new mode of action for Indoor Residual Spray (IRS) programmes (Monday 26th September, 14:00 to 15:30.
Led by IVCC, the New Nets Project (NNP) is piloting new tools to strengthen the insecticide-treated net (ITN) market. At PAMCA, NNP Partners will present results of field trials, including access, use, barriers to use, entomological findings, bio-efficacy, and durability studies of the dual insecticide nets in Mozambique, Rwanda and Tanzania. There are poster presentations daily, as well as an oral presentation. Visit the conference programme for full details.
Find out more about 8th PAMCA Annual Conference and Exhibition online, including the full conference programme, details about keynote speakers, the event’s sponsors and exhibitors.
*all times shown are given in Central Africa Time, the local time zone (Rwanda is GMT+2h).