Call for Proposals: How can we address the gaps in the vector control toolbox for malaria?

Responding to the challenge of gaps in the malaria vector control tool box, IVCC has issued a call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to fund Proof of Concept (PoC) projects for new vector control tools that target aspects of the mosquito lifecycle beyond indoor feeding and resting.
Current WHO malaria vector control policy relies almost entirely on methods that target indoor feeding and/or resting mosquitoes through use of Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs).
Several supplemental approaches, including spatial emanators, insecticide-treated eave tubes and targeted sugar baits have undergone large-scale trials and are under evaluation by the WHO Vector Control Advisory Group (VCAG) for public health value.
Additional tools that target aspects of the mosquito lifecycle beyond indoor feeding/resting, are still urgently needed to address gaps in malaria transmission.
Full details, including product/concept scope, description of the Proof-of-Concept stage, budget, overall approach, eligibility criteria and how to apply are outlined on the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) Procurement Portal. Expressions of Interest are only accepted via the portal.
Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest: 16th December 2024.
Full details on the eligibility criteria and what is covered by the call are available by downloading the call for proposals document here. To submit your expression of interest, follow this link to the procurement portal (registration is required).