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IVCC at the ASTMH 2023 Annual Meeting 18th October 2023

IVCC is delighted to take part in the upcoming Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) in Chicago, USA from 18th to 22nd October.

David McGuire, IVCC’s Director of Access and Market Shaping, will present an overview of vector control for malaria elimination during the Alan J. Magill Malaria Eradication Symposium: Using Vector Control to Advance Malaria Elimination, on Thursday 19th October, starting at 10:15* (Grand Ballroom CDEF – Ballroom Level (East Tower)).

Led by IVCC, the New Nets Project (NNP) piloted new tools to strengthen the insecticide-treated net (ITN) market. At ASTMH, NNP Partners** will present evaluations of new, insecticide-treated net products meta-analysis of observational studies, and economic evaluations from five sub-Saharan African settings.

Supported by IVCC, Project BITE*** (Bite Interruption Toward Elimination) aims to create a toolbox of vector control products to address malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases in the Indo-Pacific Region. Hear about the most recent project findings during Symposium 43 and hear about the latest thinking when it comes to locations where traditional epidemiological data, via a randomized controlled trial or other form of study, is not practical.

Other presentations will touch on a range of IVCC projects, see the full list below. There are poster presentations, as well as oral presentations.

148 – Malaria – Prevention I, October 22, 2023, 08:00 to 09:45, Grand Ballroom B – Ballroom Level (East Tower). Do Attractive Targeted Sugar Bait (ATSB) stations reduce malaria burden in Zambia? First results from a Phase III community-randomized efficacy trial of ATSB in Western Province, Zambia (Abstract #7201).

158 – Mosquitoes – Epidemiology and Vector Control I, October 22, 2023, 08:00 to 09:45, Regency Ballroom C – Ballroom Level (West Tower). The IVCC supported project, iDEM presents The impact of integrated vector management on the incidence of dengue in urban Malaysia: the iDEM cluster-randomized controlled trial (Abstract #7224, presented by Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine).

162 – Malaria Prevention II, October 22, 2023, 11:30 to 13:15, Grand Ballroom B – Ballroom Level (East Tower). We recommend the full symposia and highlight the talk by IVCC collaborator, Joshua Yukich at 13:00 on Evaluation of new, insecticide-treated net products, meta-analysis of observational studies, and economic evaluations from five sub-Saharan African settings (Abstract # 7242)

43 – Targeting “Gaps in Protection” to Prevent Malaria in Hard to Reach Communities: A Staged Approach to Test New Vector – Control Tools, and Insights Toward Future Evaluation, October 19, 2023, 15:00 to 16:45.

5951: Residual bio-efficacy of Attractive Targeted Sugar Bait stations targeting malaria vectors during seasonal deployment in Western province, Zambia (presented by Macha Research Trust, Choma, Zambia, October 20, Riverside Centre – Exhibit Level (East Tower) and Grand Hall GHI)

Find out more about the 2023 Annual ASTMH Meeting online, including the full conference programme, details about keynote speakers, the event’s sponsors, and exhibitors.

*All times shown are given in Central Daylight Time (CDT), the local time zone (Chicago is GMT -5h).

** NNP implementation partners are: The Alliance for Malaria Prevention, Imperial College London, LSTM, LSTMH, PATH, PSI and Tulane University. NNP Industry partners are: BASF and DCT (Disease Control Technologies). NNP Funding partners are: Unitaid and The Global Fund. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with USAID are supporting partners.


***Project BITE partners are UCSF Global Health Group’s Malaria Elimination Initiative.

IVCC supports Good Laboratory Practice certification for field trial sites in Africa 27th September 2023

IVCC is excited to share the news that two more of our collaborating trials facilities in Africa have been granted Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) certification by the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS): the Institut Pierre Richet Vector Control Product Evaluation Centre (IPR VCPEC) in Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire; and the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) Amani Research Centre in Muheza, Tanzania.

IVCC has supported both facilities towards GLP certification with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, including support for infrastructure improvements required for GLP compliance.

The NIMR Amani Test Facility is now the first Public Test Facility in the East African region to achieve GLP certification for vector control product evaluations.

Dr William Kisinza, Director & Chief Research Scientist at the NIMR Amani Research Centre, also said: “The work required for GLP certification wasn’t an easy process.  As a team, we have worked hard over the past seven years and are very proud of this achievement.  We are also grateful for the support and guidance provided by IVCC through this process. Our team at NIMR is very proud of being part of a larger network of collaborating trial facilities in Africa that can generate testing data on vector control products of the highest standard

NIMR Amani Research Centre has state-of-the-art laboratories and other research facilities for laboratory and semi-field trials on various vector control tools, including insecticides and insecticide-treated fabrics, used in the control of disease vectors.  The Centre currently operates 13 suites of experimental huts and 2 platforms for semi-field trials. Other experimental facilities include a set of three large semi-field structures (Mosquito Spheres), animal houses, a set of insectaries, an Insecticides Testing Facility (ITF), Molecular biology Laboratory, General/Parasitology Laboratories and Data Management and information and communications technology (ICT) Units. The Centre has conducted several community-based randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on major health interventions including long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) trials.

Dr Raphael N’Guessan, Head of the IPR VCPEC facility, said: “We are very happy, after so much work, to have achieved our GLP certification. We are very grateful to IVCC for its support, and especially to Alex Wright who pushed and assisted us in every way”.

IPR’s research focuses on vector-borne diseases and neglected tropical diseases. VCPEC was established as a unit within IPR to evaluate the efficacy of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and other vector control tools. VCPEC has been involved in a project to evaluate a novel house-based malaria vector control intervention called the ‘eave tube’, which combines modifications to make a house more ‘mosquito-proof’ with an innovative way of delivering insecticidal active ingredients. Eave tubes, in combination with screening of windows and doors, were found to reduce malaria transmission in a community-based randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted in central Côte d’Ivoire between 2016 and 2019. We look forward to working with the companies to deliver high quality data on the efficacy of novel vector control products in line with the WHO pre-qualification requirements”.

Pictured are the main IPR VCPEC building, which houses insecticide spraying, insecticide testing rooms and molecular biology rooms, and the molecular biology and insecticide testing buildings at NIMR Amani Research Centre.

IVCC at the 9th PAMCA Annual Conference and Exhibition – Ethiopia 2023 18th September 2023

IVCC is delighted to take part in the Annual Conference of the Pan African Mosquito Association (PAMCA) in Adis Ababa, Ethiopia, from the 17th to 21st of September.

With a focus on reorienting surveillance and management in the context of emerging threats of disease vectors, this year’s conference will be thought-provoking and stimulating.

To find out about the work of IVCC, its partnerships, and its pipeline of innovative vector control solutions, visit the IVCC booth throughout the conference.

IVCC will also contribute to several Parallel Symposiums, Parallel Scientific Sessions, and Turbo Talks, presenting updates about specific projects and initiatives.

Partners in IVCC’s Indo-Pacific Initiative (IPI), will showcase the latest developments in novel bite prevention tools against mosquitoes in Thailand and Cambodia, on Monday 18th (12:15-13:00*) during Parallel Turbo Talk Sessions 1-5: (Turbo Talk 1) Semi-field evaluations of the impact of novel bite prevention interventions on Anopheles minimus landing and key life history traits in Thailand and (Tubo Talk 2) Field evaluation of novel mosquito bite prevention tools against Anopheles mosquitoes in Cambodia.

 Steps in the development, registration, and deployment of a new insecticide chemistry to help tackle the growing threat of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors in sub-Saharan Africa is another important topic at PAMCA 2023. IVCC team member Christen Fornadel will present on Defining a preliminary discriminating concentration for use in broflanilide susceptibility monitoring during the rollout of VECTRONTM T500 in sub-Saharan Africa​, during Symposium 8, organised by IVCC’s partner Mitsui Chemicals Crop & Life Solutions. It takes place on Monday 18th from 16:00*, in Ballroom 3.

 On the second day of the conference, IVCC project partners will also contribute to Parallel Scientific Session 7 (10:20* to 12:00, Ballroom 2) on Vetor Surveillance: Residual bio-efficacy of Attractive Targeted sugar  Bait stations targeting malaria vectors  during seasonal  deployment  in Western province of Zambia. You can also catch a Turbo Talk on Blood meal sources of primary and secondary vectors and malaria positivity rate in a malaria endemic area of Western Province, Zambia, during the Parallel Turbo Talk Session 7 from 12:15 onward in Ballroom 2.

Also on the second day of the conference, don’t miss the poster on: Evidence from an observational trial of dual–active ingredient nets indicates a comparatively higher effect on resistant mosquito entomological indices in Nigeria (ABS-414), presented by Adedapo Adeogun (Nigerian Institute of Medical Research). It showcases the work by The New Nets Project to evaluate the impact of dual–active ingredient (AI) bed nets (ITNs) on pyrethroid resistant vector populations in Nigeria.

Find out more about 9th PAMCA Annual Conference and Exhibition online, including the full conference programme, details about keynote speakers, the event’s sponsors, and exhibitors.

*All times shown are given in East Africa Time, the local time zone (Ethiopia is GMT+2h).
Tech Update Autumn 2023 23rd November 2023
Given the breadth of vector control-related literature, we are unable to include all relevant work. These updates are intended to focus primarily on Anopheles biology and a subset of control topics with global relevance. Any views expressed in the updates do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of IVCC. In many cases, we directly quote sections of published work. Mention of trade names or commercial products is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by IVCC or its funders.
Spring 2024 Tech Update 17th July 2024
Given the breadth of vector control-related literature, we are unable to include all relevant work. These updates are intended to focus primarily on Anopheles biology and a subset of control topics with global relevance. Any views expressed in the updates do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of IVCC. In many cases, we directly quote sections of published work. Mention of trade names or commercial products is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by IVCC or its funders.

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