IVCC IHI Data Analysis Workshop at the Ifakara Health Institute

Between November 20th and 24th 2023, IVCC supported a statistical workshop for our collaborating African research institutes, to enhance statistical knowledge relating to vector control product trials. The workshop was hosted at the Ifakara Health Institute in Bagamoyo, Tanzania.
The aim of the workshop was to transfer best practice on the design of good laboratory practice (GLP studies) and the analysis of data generated in these studies. Specific focus was on meeting the reporting requirements of the WHO Prequalification Unit, Vector Control Product Assessment Team (WHO PQT/VCP) and following the latest guidelines on vector control product evaluations from WHO.
Participants were introduced to the development of a data management and statistical analysis plan, the use of statistics in experimental design and data analysis required by WHO for evaluations of insecticide-treated net (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) products. Participants also took part in practical training on the conduct of tests, analysis and reporting of the data generated.
Other topics covered included: data management for meta-analysis, descriptive statistics, regression analysis, non-inferiority, and equivalence studies, calculating sample sizes, and crafting high-quality study reports.
The workshop facilitators included John Bradley (LSHTM), Geraldine Foster (WHO Prequalification Team), Ummi Kibondo (IHI), Frank Mechan (LSTM and I2I), Sarah Moore (IHI), Olukayode Odufuwa (IHI) and Graham Small (IVCC).
Participants were wide-ranging: CISM (Mozambique); CREC/LSHTM (Benin); CRID (Cameroon); CSRS and IPR VCPEC (Côte d’Ivoire); IRSS (Burkina Faso); KCMUCo-PAMVERC, IHI, NIMR Amani Research Centre and NIMR Mwanza (Tanzania); and Malaria Alert Centre (Malawi).
The workshop was further supported by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in enabling access to the funding for this workshop. We especially thank Terri O’Halloran (LSHTM), Rose Philipo (IHI) and Jameel Bharmal (IVCC) for all their support in making this workshop a success.

Image credit: Ifakara Health Institute (IHI), Tanzania.
Authors: Graham Small and Janneke Snetselaar