IVCC Supports GLP for Second Field Trial Site in Africa

The Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC) has helped the CREC/LSHTM Collaborative Research Programme in Benin achieve Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) certification, the second vector control field trial site to attain certification in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The CREC/LSHTM Collaborative Research Programme is a research partnership set up in 2003 between the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the Centre de Recherche Entomologique de Cotonou (CREC) at the Ministry of Health in Benin.
The partnership has extensive experience in the evaluation of vector control products (mainly long-lasting insecticidal nets and Indoor residual spraying) to WHO standards. It is part of PAMVERC (The Pan-African Malaria Vector Research Consortium) and its research activities are largely funded by USAID and by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) through IVCC and collaborating agrochemical companies.
Nick Hamon, CEO of IVCC said: “Field trials facilities in Africa play an essential role in evaluating novel vector control products being developed by our agrochemical partners. The generation of reliable data through GLP compliant field trials is important, as this is the key to establishing the true performance of the products being tested.”
Since 2000, IVCC, in partnership with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, has been working to strengthen the quality and reliability of data generated by African vector control field trial sites. This work has included the development of quality management systems including Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), the auditing of facilities for GLP compliance, and GLP training workshops.
An important element of IVCC’s GLP rollout programme has also been its funding of infrastructure improvements including buildings and equipment at its collaborating trial sites. This research capacity building is establishing a network of facilities in Africa that can generate testing data on vector control products of the highest standard.
Dr. Corine Ngufor, Assistant Professor, Disease Control Department, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Facility Manager of CREC/LSHTM Facility said: “GLP accreditation is never an easy process for any facility. CREC/LSHTM is now the first facility in the West African region and the second in Africa to achieve GLP accreditation for vector control product evaluation. We look forward to working with agrochemical companies to deliver high quality data on the efficacy of novel vector control products in line with the WHO pre-qualification requirements. As a team, we have worked hard over the past 2 years and are very proud of this achievement. We are also grateful for the support provided by IVCC through this process.”
Graham Small, IVCC’s Trials Quality and Project Support Manager added: “The growing network of GLP certified trials sites across Africa will allow manufacturers of vector control products to generate their own efficacy data for inclusion in their product dossiers submitted to the WHO Prequalification Team product evaluation process. This represents a major step forward for vector control product testing, which will be of major importance in delivering the IVCC mission and in achieving malaria elimination in the future.”
In 2016, the first field trial site to achieve GLP certification was the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo) was in Moshi, Tanzania. Five further IVCC collaborating trials sites are now planning their GLP studies and will be submitting their applications for OECD GLP certification through SANAS in the coming year.