New expert in entomology joins IVCC’s External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) Website Location: I’d like it featured on the news page, please.

Image credit: Hugo Bainbridge/Malaria No More UK
IVCC’s External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) welcomes Corine Ngufor, an expert in entomology. Dr Ngufor will also provide specific expertise on capacity strengthening.
The ESAC provides expert specialist technical assessments of IVCC’s portfolio of products, including project selection, transition, and termination. They provide advice to the IVCC management team during periodic reviews of the projects. Membership of the ESAC is through nomination of candidates with the required expertise.
Dr Ngufor is an Associate Professor of medical entomology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. She is also the Lead Scientist of a Good Laboratory Practice compliant collaborative research programme at the Centre de Recherche Entomologique de Cotonou, Ministry of Health, Benin, focused on the development of novel vector control products.
Dr Ngofur has led several research grants funded by the IVCC, WHO, USAID, Gates Foundation, Global Fund, UNITAID and various chemical companies that have contributed to the development of a new generation of vector control products for controlling insecticide-resistant malaria vectors and the identification of suitable methods for evaluating their efficacy. She is co-chair of the Vector Control Working Group of the RBM partnership to end malaria and a member of the Vector Control Advisory Group (VCAG) and Malaria Policy Advisory Group (MPAG) of the World Health Organisation. Corine completed her MSc and PhD in medical entomology from LSHTM.
More details on the role and responsibilities of ESAC members, visit