Rotation of 3GIRS insecticides in full swing
Unitaid, IVCC and Sumitomo Chemical Company announced the inclusion of the new insecticide SumiShield® 50WG, as part of the NgenIRS project. This announcement followed the prequalification listing by WHO in October 2017.
With two long-lasting IRS (3GIRS) products now available, SumiShield® 50WG and Actellic® 300CS, the pre-emptive annual rotation goal outlined in the Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance
Management in malaria vectors (GPIRM) is achievable. Bayer’s 3GIRS product, Fludora® Fusion is currently undergoing final stage trials required for WHO prequalification and we hope this 3rd long lasting product can join the NgenIRS programme in 2019. BASF´s Sylando® 240SC is under WHO-evaluation.
Funders and procurers now have the opportunity to simultaneously prevent resistance build up and affect the cost-effectiveness of IRS by adopting pre-emptive, subnational rotation strategies where appropriate. Rotating all effective and available insecticides is key as a wholesale shift from one effective long-lasting IRS product to another within the market would undermine the goals of increasing competition, reducing product cost, and the market volatility of IRS products. Experts have proposed a new strategic approach based on pre-emptive rotation of multiple 3GIRS products within a country to:
- support resistance prevention best practices;
- support stable, multi-year forecasts and
- support reduced price through competition.
Half of the NgenIRS partner countries adopted a sub-national rotation strategy for 2018, as part of their national insecticide resistance management plan. Tanzania has completed their IRS sub-national rotation campaign for 2018, Ghana and Burkina Faso are in the process of adopting this strategy and the remaining four countries will follow.
Related links:
http://www.who.int/pq-vector-control/prequalified-lists/sumishield50wg/en/(link is external)