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Research & Development

IVCC is the only Product Development Partnership (PDP) working in vector control. Our Research and Development Portfolio spans a broad spectrum of work including active ingredient development, product portfolio development, formulation chemistry, entomology and field trials.

As a small team of dedicated professionals that works with many other experts from all over the world, we are only as strong as our partnerships. IVCC supports and undertakes world-class leading research and development to improve and extend the range of vector control tools to address the threat posed by insecticide resistance.

IVCC works with a broad range of partners to facilitate the development of novel and improved public health insecticides, formulations and products to prevent insect-borne diseases and address the threat of insecticide resistance.

In order to facilitate the development of novel and improved public health insecticides, formulations and products, IVCC undertakes and facilitates world class research and supports technical platforms that enable this mission.

Canberra, Australia


Australia Aid

Basel, Switzerland

Industry Partner


Research and Development Partner

Swiss Tropical Health Institute

United Nations Specialised Agency

World Health Organisation

Lausanne, Switzerland

Industry Partner


Leverkusen, Germany

Industry Partner


Ludwigshafen, Germany

Industry Partner


Aberystwyth, UK

Research and Development Partner

Aberystwyth University

Leeds, UK

Research and Development Partner

Nonwovens Innovation (NIRI)

London, UK



Saffron Walden

Research and Development Partner


Massachusetts, USA

New Nets Project and NgenIRS

Abt Associates

New Orleans, USA

New Nets Project

Tulane University

North Carolina, USA

Research and Development Partner

North Carolina State University (NCSU)

South Carolina, USA

Industry Partner

Disease Control Technologies (DCT)

Seattle, USA


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

New Nets Project and NgenIRS


Tokyo, Japan

Industry Partner



Washington DC, USA



Nairobi, Kenya

Research and Development Partner

International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology

Wageningen, The Netherlands

Research and Development Partner

Wageningen University

Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

Trial Site Facility

Institut de recherche en sciences de la santé (IRSS)

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Product Development
Technical Platforms

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