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Gaby is an Entomologist and Program Manager for the Deployed Warfighter Protection (DWFP) Program at the US Armed Forces Pest…
John is currently the Team Lead for Operational Research in the Entomology Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and…
Dr. Keziah L. Malm (MBCHB, MPH, Ph.D., FGCP) is the Programme Manager of the National Malaria Control Programme, Ghana Health…
02 September 2021
Download the Tech Updates highlighting vector biology and control news, publications and resources. Given the breadth of vector control-related literature,…
18 August 2021
Today is World Mosquito Day. On this day in 1897, Sir Ronald Ross discovered that Anopheles mosquitoes were responsible for…
12 August 2021
[embed][/embed] Agtech360 – podcast interview with IVCC CEO Nick Hamon
IVCC is pleased to announce the selection of five projects to receive two year funding to further develop promising innovative…
08 July 2021
IVCC has the pleasure of announcing that, following a meeting of the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) Approval Committee…
02 July 2021
Recent semi-field results from Project BITE under IVCC’s Indo-Pacific Initiative (IPI) have shown that forest packs containing bite prevention tools…
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