IVCC’s External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) welcomes Corine Ngufor, an expert in entomology. Dr Ngufor will also provide specific expertise on capacity strengthening.
The ESAC provides expert specialist technical assessments of IVCC’s portfolio of products, including project selection, transition, and termination. They provide advice to the IVCC management team during periodic reviews of the projects. Membership of the ESAC is through nomination of candidates with the required expertise.
Dr Ngufor is an Associate Professor of medical entomology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. She is also the Lead Scientist of a Good Laboratory Practice compliant collaborative research programme at the Centre de Recherche Entomologique de Cotonou, Ministry of Health, Benin, focused on the development of novel vector control products.
Dr Ngofur has led several research grants funded by the IVCC, WHO, USAID, Gates Foundation, Global Fund, UNITAID and various chemical companies that have contributed to the development of a new generation of vector control products for controlling insecticide-resistant malaria vectors and the identification of suitable methods for evaluating their efficacy. She is co-chair of the Vector Control Working Group of the RBM partnership to end malaria and a member of the Vector Control Advisory Group (VCAG) and Malaria Policy Advisory Group (MPAG) of the World Health Organisation. Corine completed her MSc and PhD in medical entomology from LSHTM.
More details on the role and responsibilities of ESAC members, visit ivcc.com/research-development/esacs/
New experts in entomology and in epidemiology join IVCC’s External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) 8th November 2023IVCC’s External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) welcomes two new experts, Dr Anne Wilson and Dr Ulrike Fillinger. They join following a ‘call for experts’ in experts in entomology and in epidemiology.
The ESAC provides expert specialist technical assessments of IVCC’s portfolio of products, including project selection, transition, and termination. They provide advice to the IVCC management team during periodic reviews of the projects. Membership of the ESAC is through nomination of candidates with the required expertise.
Dr Anne Wilson has an MSc in Public Health and a PhD in epidemiology from Durham University. Anne uses epidemiological study designs such as cohort studies, case control studies, and cluster-randomised controlled trials to understand the risk of vector-borne diseases and develop novel vector control methods. In particular, she is interested in the impact of anthropogenic changes such as urbanisation and agricultural intensification on vector-borne disease transmission, and the development of targeted, multi-sectoral control approaches.
Dr Ulrike Fillinger brings 25 years experience managing projects related to the control and elimination of arthropod-borne diseases, collaborating closely with national disease control programs and other government and civil society stakeholders in endemic countries. Ulrike holds a PhD in Ecology from the University of Heidelberg and did my post doctorate training in East Africa successively for Durham University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
More details on the role and responsibilities of ESAC members, visit ivcc.com/research-development/esacs/
IVCC’s External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) looking for experts in entomology and in epidemiology 11th July 2023IVCC’s External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) is looking for experts in entomology and in epidemiology.
This call is open to those with either:
- suitable qualifications/training and extensive experience in the entomological evaluation (laboratory and field trials) of vector control products (ITNs, IRS formulations or other products).
- suitable qualifications/training and extensive experience in the epidemiological evaluation of vector control products (ITNs, IRS formulations or other products).
The ESAC provides expert specialist technical assessments of IVCC’s portfolio of products, including project selection, transition, and termination. They provide advice to the IVCC management team during periodic reviews of the projects. Membership of the ESAC is through nomination of candidates with the required expertise.
For full details about this opportunity and how to apply, please download the appropriate supporting document.
Applications close on Friday 28th July 2023.
IVCC’s External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) is looking for experts in entomology with an Indo-Pacific Focus 12th March 2024IVCC’s External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) is looking for experts in entomology with an Indo-Pacific Focus
This call is open to those with, among other requirements:
- a PhD in biology/medical entomology, public health, or another related field
- suitable experience in the design and monitoring of laboratory and field trials on vector control products (LLINs, IRS, Spatial Emanators, ATSBs, etc) according to WHO guidelines, with particular experience in the Pacific (e.g. Papua New Guinea) and South-East Asia
The ESAC provides expert specialist technical assessments of IVCC’s portfolio of products, including project selection, transition, and termination. They provide advice to the IVCC management team during periodic reviews of the projects. Membership of the ESAC is through nomination of candidates with the required expertise.
For full details about this opportunity and how to apply, please download the supporting document.
Applications close on Tuesday 26th March.