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American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) 10th September 2019

NgenIRS shared evidence on cost, cost effectiveness and contribution of 3GIRS to reduce malaria cases in the era of pyrethroid resistance.

In November 2019, members of the NgenIRS project and their colleagues convened in National Harbor, Maryland for the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene to learn about and share results from recent research in global health and tropical medicine.

The NgenIRS project shared results from the recently concluded cluster randomized trial in Mopeia District, Mozambique and the cost and cost-effectiveness of 3GIRS in.

Molly Robertson, NgenIRS Senior Evidence Lead from PATH, presented on the analytical and cost implications of five methodologies used during the cluster randomized trial in Mozambique to evaluate the public health impact of IRS with 3GIRS products.

A presentation on the cost and cost-effectiveness of 3GIRS, which included results from Ghana, Mali, Mozambique, Uganda, and Zambia, showed that 3GIRS products are expected to be cost-effective or highly cost-effective according to WHO standards in many contexts across sub-Saharan Africa.

Other presentations covered diverse topics related to the cluster randomized trial including: the challenges of using mobile-phone based data collection, entomological surveillance results, the incremental impact of indoor residual spraying in addition to LLINs, and the cost and cost-effectiveness of IRS in an area with access to pyrethroid LLINs.










Photo credit: Kenzie Tynuv, PATH

Learn more about these presentations and the evidence fact sheets by visiting our resources section.

Joe Wagman presents a poster on entomological results from the cluster randomized trial in Mopeia district, Mozambique conducted as part of the NgenIRS Project.

Annual Report 2019-2020 9th December 2020 IVCC contributes to strengthen the capacity for malaria vector control research at CSRS 22nd June 2023

IVCC has great pleasure in announcing that the Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques (CSRS) trials facility has been granted Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) certification by the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) in June 2023.

Based in the economic capital of Côte d’Ivoire, Abidjan, the CSRS facility is a longstanding collaborating partner of IVCC. CSRS help IVCC and our industry partners to evaluate new malaria vector control products by conducting studies against local resistant mosquito populations in the environments where they will actually be used. They have also generated product efficacy data for manufacturers for regulatory submissions, including WHO Prequalification Unit Vector Control Product Assessment Team (PQT/VCP) dossier submissions.

IVCC has supported the CSRS trials facility towards GLP certification with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This included support for the essential infrastructure improvements and equipment purchases necessary for full GLP compliance. Pictured is CSRS’s new field trials facility, built at their experimental hut site in Tiassalé. In addition to this, training was provided to key facility staff through participation in GLP workshops and specialist courses. IVCC’s support has also helped further strengthen the capacity for malaria vector control research at CSRS.

Professor Benjamin Koudou, CSRS Director of Research and Development, said: “This tremendous achievement by the team will be key for CSRS visibility within Côte d’Ivoire and abroad. The GLP certification of our facility will help further build the trust that companies, malaria control implementation programmes and other organisations have in our research. We anticipate that this will increase the demand at CSRS for conducting laboratory and field trials in conjunction with the control of malaria and neglected tropical diseases. We are planning now to implement the same quality management facility in our molecular biology laboratory.”

IVCC congratulates Professor Inza Koné (test facility manager), Professor Koudou, Dr Edi Constant (Coordinator of GLP facility), Lisro Emmanuelle (CSRS quality manager), Laurence Yao (GLP Project manager), and all the facility staff on this significant achievement.

WHO Vector Control Advisory Group 30th May 2019 World Malaria Report 2020 30th November 2020

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