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Ensuring Mosquito Net Distribution Could Halve Malaria 7th August 2020

Mosquito net distribution could help halve the number of deaths from Malaria during the coronavirus outbreak in Africa, researchers say.

There are concerns that malaria control activities – such as distributing insecticidal nets – could be severely disrupted as a result of the pandemic. Writing in Nature Medicine, Imperial’s COVID-19 Response Team estimate that malaria deaths could more than double in 2020 compared to 2019. But swift action could substantially reduce the burden of malaria and prevent joint malaria and COVID-19 epidemics simultaneously overwhelming vulnerable health systems. In the article the researchers estimate the impact of disruption of malaria prevention activities and other core health services under four different COVID-19 epidemic scenarios.

An estimated 228 million long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) were due to be delivered across Sub-Saharan Africa this year, more than ever before. They estimate that if these mosquito nets are not deployed and preventative chemotherapy and case management is reduced by half for six months, there could be 779,000 malaria deaths in sub-Saharan Africa over 12 months.

If prevention activities were to stop during the outbreak, the team estimates that 200,000 deaths could still be prevented over six months if treatment of malaria is maintained. The researchers recommend that routine distributions of LLINs should be prioritised alongside maintaining access to antimalarial treatment and the use of chemoprevention to prevent substantial malaria epidemics.


 “It is vitally important to get malaria prevention measures out now to reduce the pressure on health systems as COVID-19 cases increase.”

Dr Thomas Churcher, Imperial’s School of Public Health


“In the face of COVID-19 it will still be important to ensure vector control interventions continue to be deployed as much as possible in order to not only sustain the gains already made in malaria elimination but ensure we do not have a resurgence in malaria.”

Okefu Oyale Okoko, Deputy Director/Head Integrated Vector Management Branch National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) Public Health Department Federal Ministry of Health Abuja


“The efforts to maintain net campaigns across Sub-Saharan Africa are absolutely vital. We know how to prevent, track and treat malaria, but the strain Covid-19 puts on health systems risks hard fought for progress. This important modelling is a reminder that efforts to end malaria sit on a knife edge. Protecting people against Covid-19 cannot be pursued in isolation. Governments must see maintaining efforts against malaria as a core part of pandemic preparedness or risk a catastrophic domino effect.”

James Whiting, Executive Director, Malaria No More UK


Read the full article > 



For more information contact:

Stephen Johns
Imperial College London

+44 (0) 20 7594 9531
+44 (0) 7792 657226

Lessons from a Tanzanian Insecticide Testing Facility 17th June 2020

In partnership with IVCC, and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine’s Centre for Capacity Research investigated how Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) certification was achieved by the KCMUCo-PAMVERC trial site in Moshi, Tanzania.

A new paper by Sara Begg identified the enablers and barriers that influenced the development of capacity to achieve GLP certification with the lessons learnt transferable to other African trial sites to accelerate progress towards GLP and strengthen the network of test facilities able to provide high-quality data for the evaluation of vector control products.

Volcanic Glass Spray Shows Promise in Controlling Mosquitoes 9th June 2020

IVCC supports a study by North Carolina State University entomologists and Imerys Filtration Minerals Inc. to test an indoor residual spray made by combining a type of volcanic glass with water. In the study Imergard WP – an insecticide created from perlite – was tested. Researchers used the spray in experimental huts in the Republic of Benin to test the effects of the spray on both wild and more susceptible strains of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes, the primary malaria vector in sub-Saharan Africa. Results showed mortality rates of mosquitoes alighting on Imergard WP treated walls were greater than 80% up to five months after treatments, and 78% at six months. The treatments were effective against both susceptible and wild-type mosquitoes.

Read the full press release on the NCSU website.

Photo credit: Dr. Bidossessi Deguenon, NCSU

IVCC’s April 2020 Update 4th May 2020 NgenIRS Evidence Launch 30th April 2020

“I am very pleased that together we achieved our goal of establishing a sustainable, growing and competitive market for third generation, longer lasting and resistance-breaking insecticides for Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS).”



On December 31st, 2019, the Unitaid funded NgenIRS project came to an end. The NgenIRS team, led by IVCC and made up of colleagues from PATH and Abt Associates, worked in partnership with 16 malaria control and elimination programmes across Africa, the US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), the Global Fund and three insecticide manufacturers.

The downward trend in IRS use was reversed and the resulting expansion of use has resulted in significant public health impact, savings in commodity costs and new evidence showing the cost-effectiveness of third generation IRS (3GIRS). What’s more, the foundation has been laid to sustain and expand on these successes, providing malaria programmes with more options for rotation and ultimately more lives saved on the path towards malaria elimination.

Today we launch a collection of evidence materials, consisting of a video, a project overview and evidence slides (available in both English and French). These materials are available for free download on the NgenIRS web page and IVCC resource library. These materials have been prepared to show the impact of the NgenIRS project and are intended for use by partners and stakeholders who need to communicate the contribution of 3GIRS products to the reduction of malaria. We hope that these are useful to you and advice on use can be found within the materials.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the NgenIRS team and our many other partners who worked tirelessly and selflessly to make this project such a huge success. Although we have achieved great things together, we must maintain this commitment to enhancing and smartly deploying the vector control toolbox if we are to reach our shared goal of malaria eradication.

View all evidence materials > 

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