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IVCC visit to Ifakara Health Institute’s Bagamoyo facility to celebrate USAID funding 25th June 2024

On June 19, 2024, members of the Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC) team were warmly welcomed by the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) at its Bagamoyo branch office in Kingani. The visit included the unveiling of a commemorative plaque celebrating the ‘Accelerate to Eliminate Malaria Program’, a five-year collaborative agreement funded by USAID, at the Bagamoyo facility.

The Vector Control Product Testing Unit (VCPTU), a critical research facility within IHI, is internationally recognized for its high-quality evaluations of new vector control products. The site plays a vital role in vector control product testing for industry and regulatory bodies, including the World Health Organization (WHO) Prequalification, as well as extensive collaborations with academia.

During the visit, Dr. Ally Olotu, Director of Science at Ifakara, along with Jason Moore, Test Facility Manager, and the VCPTU team, warmly received the IVCC delegation. The event marked both advancements in infrastructure and the collaborative spirit that propels progress in vector control research. It included presentations by the IHI VCPTU team on projects supported by IVCC, alongside discussions on safeguarding standards, equity, diversity, and gender policies.

IVCC’s collaboration with IHI and VCPTU is long-standing, both on infrastructure and capacity building initiatives, in addition to research collaborations. IVCC has previously supported IHI towards GLP certification with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. By assisting institutions like IHI secure Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) certification, IVCC ensures that local research facilities can meet international standards, thereby enhancing their ability to conduct critical research and testing. This support not only advances scientific capabilities but also empowers local communities to take a leading role in combating vector-borne diseases.

During the visit, Dr. Small expressed optimism about future collaborations, stating, “Driven by values of partnership, innovation, and respect, IVCC is committed to building lasting partnerships that deliver life-saving solutions. Our partnership with IHI demonstrates the significant impact we can achieve together.”

Dr. Olotu also acknowledged IVCC’s invaluable support, emphasizing the importance of the funding for IHI’s ongoing product testing activities at the Vector Control Product Testing Unit. This collaboration continues to drive forward our shared mission to eliminate malaria and other vector-borne diseases.

This visit to IHI  by the IVCC delegation was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this story are the responsibility of IVCC and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Actellic300CS 14th June 2019 IVCC at the third Global Health Security Conference 26th June 2024

IVCC participated in the 2024 Global Health Security Conference in Sydney, from the 18th to the 21st of June.

The event brought together leaders, researchers, policy makers and representatives from private industry, international organisations and civil society. Discussions focused on strengthening health systems and explored ways to improve global responses to the most pressing health challenges.

IVCC was represented by Justin McBeath, CEO and Chris Larkin, Director of Operations & Communications. Together, they participated in a range of sessions, including a side event facilitated by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade which brought together a range of Product Development Partnerships (e.g. IVCC, MMV, TB Alliance) to discuss areas of common challenge and opportunity with a particular focus on advancing Gender Equality & Social Inclusion (GEDSI). In addition, Justin McBeath was part of a panel for a session, hosted by GARDP (The Global Antibiotics Research and Development Partnership), on ‘Improving Access to Critical Health Products’.

IVCC was also an exhibitor at the conference, giving the opportunity for delegates to learn more about the scope our projects and initiatives.

Find out more about the third Global Health Security Conference online.

Surveillance 14th June 2019 Royal Guard 30th October 2019

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