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A New Insecticide to be Used to Fight Malaria 14th December 2017

Geneva/Liverpool – Unitaid, the Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC) and Japan’s Sumitomo Chemical Company (SCC) are excited to announce the use of a new generation insecticide to be used for indoor residual spraying (IRS) to fight malaria.

IRS is a powerful way to rapidly reduce malaria transmission by spraying insecticides on indoor walls and ceilings where malaria-carrying mosquitoes are likely to rest after biting people. However, many mosquitoes become resistant to the insecticides that they come into contact with most often. New insecticides are therefore needed to minimize the threat of resistance.

SCC’s new malaria vector control product – SumiShield® 50WG- will be used in a Unitaid-funded project that aims to create a more sustainable market for next-generation IRS products at affordable prices. This NgenIRS project is being implemented by IVCC and its partners, including the US President’s Malaria Initiative, Abt Associates, PATH and The Global Fund.

The SumiShield product, which was prequalified by the World Health Organization (WHO) in late October 2017, is one of two new insecticides that will allow malaria programmes to pre-emptively rotate new generation insecticides in countries and fight resistance. The formulation has proven effective in WHO-supervised trials and continues to work for up to nine months after spraying, even against highly resistant mosquitoes.

Countries will have the ability to effectively implement the WHO’s Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management (GPIRM) now that there are two new generation IRS products to work with and more are expected to enter the market in the next two years. Rotating insecticides is one of the key strategies to manage resistance.

According to WHO, nearly half the world’s population is at risk of malaria and despite great gains made in recent years, there are still over 200 million new cases every year.

Dr. Nick Hamon, IVCC’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “We know vector control saves lives and resistance to insecticides is threatening the huge gains made so far in reducing deaths from malaria. We desperately need effective chemistry with modes of action new to public health to combat these resistant mosquitoes, and enable rotation with other products.”

Since its inception in 2016, the NgenIRS project has supported spray operations in 12 African countries and the procurement of over 4.5 million bottles of the new generation insecticide, sufficient to protect an estimated 58 million people. In 2018, NgenIRS will begin operations in two more malaria endemic countries.

“Unless newer insecticides are identified and used, we run the risk of considerable reversals in the fight against malaria,” said Lelio Marmora, Unitaid’s Executive Director.” We are proud to support the NgenIRS project to combat insecticide resistance and ultimately save lives.”

For further information on the WHO prequalification of SumiShield, and the NgenIRS project, please visit: is external)

IVCC Secures Partnership Role with Abt Associates 28th November 2017

IVCC is pleased to announce that it has secured partnership role on a recently granted contract to Abt Associates to reduce the burden of malaria across Africa.

IVCC is part of a five-year, $472 million contract awarded to Abt Associates, under the Prevention of Mosquito-Borne Diseases through Vector Control IDIQ, by The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI).  Through this contract, Abt Associates will support PMI and USAID to plan and implement an integrated vector control approach with the overall goal of reducing the burden of malaria in Africa.

As a partner, IVCC will be responsible for advising on the Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and other vector control product development pipeline and the timing and availability of products for trials and pilot launches.

IVCC will also be responsible for building and negotiating Public Private Partnerships with manufacturers of new vector control technologies and will, in partnership with Abt Associates and industrial partners, lead the planning and project management of the late stages of product development launch.  Through its relationship with Innovation to Impact (I2I), IVCC will also assist in managing products through the WHO/pre-qualification and policy recommendation review processes.

Nick Hamon, CEO of IVCC said: “Since 2000, Africa has seen major reductions in morbidity and mortality from malaria, primarily due to investments in vector control interventions.  IVCC will be able to leverage its expertise in integrating best practices and innovative solutions in the field of product development, product introduction, design of sustainable approaches to vector control and resistance management.”

“Through our partnership with Abt, this project gives IVCC increased connectivity to the market place and an additional route for testing new interventions which will further support our Access programmes.”

Agriculture Industry Unites to Help Eradicate Malaria 18th April 2018

London: 18 April 2018 -Today, at the London Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, the world’s leading Crop Protection companies announce their commitment to support the research, development and supply of innovative products to save lives and help eradicate malaria by 2040.

BASF, Bayer, Mitsui Chemicals, Sumitomo Chemical Company and Syngenta have been the major driving force behind the development of innovative vector control solutions, such as bednets and indoor spraying.  Since 2000, nearly 4 in every 5 malaria cases successfully averted through intervention have been due to long-lasting insecticide treated bednets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS), saving millions of lives.

In coming together under the ‘ZERO by 40’ banner, these companies are, with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Liverpool based IVCC (the Innovative Vector Control Consortium), reaffirming their commitment to use their expert knowledge and chemical resources to supply and develop innovative vector control solutions to help reduce the malaria burden, which today is increasingly being threatened by insecticide resistance.

In 2005 these companies opened up their chemical libraries to IVCC to support the search for new chemistry to help address the danger of insecticide resistance. As a result, a strong pipeline of innovative solutions is beginning to emerge.  Recent successes include:

•   In 2016 Actellic®300CS, a next generation IRS developed by Syngenta, was introduced into the NgenIRS programme, a 4-year $65.1 million UNITAID-funded market shaping initiative, now stretching across 14
African countries.

•   This was joined in 2017 by Sumitomo Chemical’s SumiShield® 50WG, a brand-new mode of action chemistry for indoor residual spraying, to enable improved resistance management through rotation.

•   Bayer’s next generation IRS product combining two modes of action, Fludora® Fusion, is currently undergoing final stage trials required for WHO prequalification and is expected to join the fight in preventing disease transmission for millions of people across sub-Saharan Africa.

•   In 2017, BASF received a WHO interim recommendation for Interceptor® G2, a new generation mosquito net developed using a repurposed insecticide (chlorfenapyr) from agriculture to help combat resistant mosquitoes.

•   Mitsui Chemicals, which has a long history in the field of vector control, is developing unique mode of action insecticides across a wide range of product applications such as sprays and bednets.

Nick Hamon, CEO of IVCC said “Our industry collaboration, supported by our funders including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK’s Department of International Development (DFID), is starting to bear fruit and is saving lives today. But we still have a long way to go to achieve our ambition of ending the disease burden of malaria by 2040. This new initiative will not only secure the current supply of solutions, but will pave the way for desperately needed new forms of chemistry and new vector control tools to reduce the disease burden of malaria which still affects millions of people.”

Saori Dubourg, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, BASF SE, said “Next Wednesday is World Malaria Day, but for half of our world, every day is a fight against this devastating disease. Malaria causes sickness and death, reduces productivity, fuels poverty and creates hunger, especially in impoverished, rural farming communities. ZERO by 40 will connect the smartest minds in public health and science, and I am truly optimistic that it will be a force for change. We can be the generation to end malaria.”

Dr. Jacqueline M. Applegate, Member of the Crop Science Executive Committee & President of Environmental Science of Bayer AG, said “The magnitude and global reach of the disease requires the engagement of all major stakeholders to work together if we are to achieve our bold and ambitious goal of ending the malaria burden within a generation. The declaration signed today with our industry partners confirms the willingness to mobilize our diverse know-how and resources. At Bayer, we are committed to using science and innovation to improve people’s lives and are very proud to be a signee of this declaration.”

Kazunori Tani, Executive adviser of Mitsui Chemicals Agro, Inc. said “Through our continued dedication to innovation in organic chemistry technology, Mitsui Chemicals has discovered novel insecticides that effectively control mosquitos resistant to existing chemicals. With our new technologies, we are proud to contribute to the eradication of Malaria, one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations.”

Ray Nishimoto, Representative Director & Senior Managing Executive Officer and President of
Health & Crop Sciences Sector, Sumitomo Chemical added “Sumitomo Chemical was founded with the precept that to succeed in the long run, business activities must benefit society. This core value is the basis of our long-standing commitment to continuously develop innovative vector control technologies that will help end malaria for good. On the occasion of the Malaria Summit London 2018, Sumitomo Chemical is proud to join in the Vector Control Malaria Declaration, alongside other leading crop protection companies, and to confirm that we will continue to innovate and invest to bring new vector control solutions to market until malaria is ultimately eradicated.”

Erik Fyrwald, Syngenta CEO said “The WHO reported that in 2016 445,000 people died from Malaria and around 216 million people were infected so we all have a responsibility to help fight this terrible disease.
We are here today to reinforce our commitment in the fight against Malaria and we will work closely to IVCC, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the companies of our industry to eradicate it.”

Commenting on the initiative, Trevor Mundel, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, said “Innovative vector control is essential to the success of malaria control and elimination efforts. It’s proven key to saving millions of lives over the past 15 years. That’s why we’re pleased that the companies that have played such an essential role in delivering innovation are extending their commitments to help end malaria for good. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is pleased to support IVCC and its private-sector partners in their efforts to accelerate the discovery and development of new insecticides for public health.”

How Close Are We to Eradicating Malaria? 25th April 2015

The scientific community is divided on whether or not we have a chance to achieve malaria eradication. Some argue that the task is too enormous. That lack of products, lack of access, lack of political drive or lack of funds will stop the downward trend of malaria. Some even predict a darker future with a potential resurgence of the disease.

On the other hand some, like Bill Gates, believe that it can be achieved within 15 years with the right resources allocated to the task.

In the end nobody is absolutely right or wrong. Nevertheless there are a few things that are certain:

The IVCC team is on the side of those who believe eradication can be achieved. We also have an acute understanding that it will not be a ‘walk in the park’. All our efforts are directed toward releasing new vector control products and ensuring access to them. This is important, because vector control is already identified as one of the most cost effective solutions to controlling malaria by preventing transmission. The downside is the rapid spread of resistance against most of the insecticides currently in use.

That’s why IVCC is working hard with a wide and diverse group of partners to find new solutions, either by re-purposing insecticides already available in other markets, or by engineering brand new insecticides dedicated to public health.

We are not complacent, but we do have solid reasons to be proud:

So, do I believe we can achieve eradication? I do, but only if all the stakeholders in the battle against malaria work together to make it happen. No-one can do it alone. But together we can turn the vision of eradication into a reality.

Accelerating Development of New Insecticides 3rd February 2015

Sitting snugly in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania sits the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College. Based at the college is PAMVERC, where a team of scientists works collaboratively across a number of organisations, such as London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and IVCC, to test new innovations in vector control, mostly malaria-focussed.

Even though we know how to prevent malaria, it still kills over 600,000 people each year. The vast majority of these are children under the age of five, and pregnant women.  Insecticide treated bed nets and indoor residual spraying of insecticides have and will continue to save thousands of lives every year; however, as with any monotherapy (only one class of chemistry is available for use in bed nets), resistance is starting to seriously take its toll.  We are seeing resistance to pyrethroid insecticides and other classes of chemistry almost everywhere we look for it, and in some locations in Africa complete failure has been observed. This is not a new story but it is an increasingly frightening one. Insecticide resistance is now reaching the tipping point. (Watch the IVCC video here for more information)

The good news, however, is that even when insecticides fail, the physical barrier of a net continues to provide some level of protection from malaria transmission, so continued net use is important.  IVCC’s mission and focus since its inception in 2005 has been to work across multiple stakeholders, especially industry, to catalyse innovation in vector control and bring new classes of insecticides to market.  New products are starting to become available or are in the product development pipeline at a well-advanced stage. Watch this space!

However, our focus is beginning to shift from managing innovation to managing time from discovery to impact.  I recently asked two different highly respected scientists in the field of malaria and neglected tropical disease research what a complete failure of pyrethroids in bed nets would represent in terms of lives lost and the estimates were staggering—somewhere between 70,000 and 150,000 per year.  Any number of preventable deaths is completely unacceptable, but these types of numbers defy belief and really raise the level of urgency and responsibility.  Today, from discovery to impact for a new insecticide takes about 12 years.  We have a number of new chemistries just entering the development phase, which means that, if we take a normal course to market we will not see an impact until 2024/2025.

What if all the different players in the value chain agreed to do something creative and disruptive so that we can make new life-saving public health insecticides available by 2020—just five years?  This is feasible, and could save many thousands of lives.

We know how to accelerate the development of experimental products when lives are at stake—the Ebola crisis has demonstrated this.  So, we in the malaria community need to take full responsibility and apply the same principles and urgency to solving the malaria problem.

Novel drugs and vaccines are in the research pipeline, but vector control is and will continue to be the foundation of malaria management for the foreseeable future. Can we rise to the challenge of maintaining or improving on the performance of long-lasting insecticide treated nets and indoor residual sprays and getting them into the hands of those that desperately need them in five years or less?

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