Thanks to the ‘Heroic Scientists’ Working to Beat Malaria

IVCC would be nothing without our industrial partners.
We have a great mission— to save lives by preventing malaria with repurposed or new classes of insecticides that kill the mosquitoes that transmit malaria.
Since 2005 we’ve worked with a great cloud of scientists, researching millions of chemical compounds to find the best ones to stop malaria. We’ve helped apply the best minds in chemistry, reformulations, and all kinds of other scientific magic that I know little about.
Except that it works, and it is working, and we’re nearly there with the new active ingredients that will transform malaria vector control. Yes, and save lives. Millions of lives. Young children and pregnant women will no longer die from this preventable disease.
So, it’s very appropriate on World Malaria Day, to say thank you to all IVCC’s industrial partners. That includes scientists at BASF, Bayer, Sumitomo, Syngenta and Mitsui. We couldn’t do it without your quiet, selfless dedication to solve a critical and global public health crisis. In the battle against malaria I think you are truly heroes.
Thank you for everything you do. You are truly making the world a better place.