Volcanic Glass Spray Shows Promise in Controlling Mosquitoes

IVCC supports a study by North Carolina State University entomologists and Imerys Filtration Minerals Inc. to test an indoor residual spray made by combining a type of volcanic glass with water. In the study Imergard WP – an insecticide created from perlite – was tested. Researchers used the spray in experimental huts in the Republic of Benin to test the effects of the spray on both wild and more susceptible strains of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes, the primary malaria vector in sub-Saharan Africa. Results showed mortality rates of mosquitoes alighting on Imergard WP treated walls were greater than 80% up to five months after treatments, and 78% at six months. The treatments were effective against both susceptible and wild-type mosquitoes.
Read the full press release on the NCSU website.
Photo credit: Dr. Bidossessi Deguenon, NCSU